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工程施工合同Contract合同编号(Contract NO.):签订日期(Date):发包方(简称甲方)Party A:承包方(简称乙方):Party B:根据《中华人民共和国合同法》以及其他有关法律法规规定的原则,结合本工程的具体情况,甲、乙双方在平等、自愿、协商一致的基础上达成如下协议,共同遵守。According to "P.R.C Contract Law",and other relevant laws and regulations to the specificcircumstances of this project,parties A and B have hereby equally and voluntarily entered into thefollowing agreement executed on the basis of mutual respect.1.工程概况Project overview1.1工程名称:Project name:1.2工程地点:Project location13工程范围:A.新研发中心和新厂房的网络综合布线系统的施工:B.数据中心的建设,主要包含:数据中心的装饰工程、电气系统、空调系统、机房闭路监控系统、机房门禁系统、消防系统改造、机柜系统等。Project contents:A.The new R&D and new plant construction of network cabling systems;B.Data Center,mainly includes:data center decoration and electrical systems,air-conditioningsystems,CCTV systems,access control systems,firefighting system reform,server rack systems.14开工条件:合同生效后,甲方预付款到位和现场具备开工条件。Start conditions:After the commencement of the contract,Party A has started advance and on-siteconditions in place.1.5工程造价:合同工程总造价为¥元(CNY),人民币大写Project cost:Total project cost isyuan CNY )详细合同价格表见附件报价清单。Detailed contract price list see attached quotation list.在详细设计和施工过程中,若工程量发生变化,按合同单价相应调整工程造价:若材质发生变化,按双方商定的补充协议调整工程造价。In the detailed design and construction process,if the project quantity changes,according to thecontract price adjustment project cost;if the material is changed,the supplemental agreementagreed by both parties for adjustment of engineering cost.2.付款方式Terms of payment21由乙方向甲方提供指定帐户、甲方以支票方式或银行转账方式向乙方结算合同款:Party B shall provide the designated account to party A,Party A by check or bank transfer to paythe contract payment to Party B.2.2本合同生效后,甲方付给乙方合同总价的40%作为工程预付款,即¥元:After the signing of this contract,Party A shall pay to Party B 40%of the total contract price asthe project advance payment;23数据中心及网络布线系统工程完工并且双方签订工程验收报告后7天以内,甲方付给乙方合同总价的55%,即¥元:Data center project and network cabling systems engineering completed and signed a projectacceptance report by both parties within 7 days after,Party A shall pay to Party B 55%of thecontract price.2.4工程竣工后3个月内,甲方支付给乙方剩余的合同款,即¥元:After the completion of the project within 3 months,Party A shall pay to Party B the remainingcontract price.3.双方职责Responsibilities of the parties3.1甲方职责:Responsibilities of party A:a.及时以书面形式通知乙方本工程具备开工条件的时间;Timely written notice to Party B the conditions of this project have the time to start;b.协助乙方办理进驻施工现场所需人员证件、批件等有关手续:To assist Party B to enter the construction site personnel required documents,approval documentsand other relevant procedures;©.为乙方提供现场工程办公室和足够的现场仓库:To provide on-site engineering office and sufficient field warehouse;d.积极协助乙方施工,协调施工时与各部门的配合,并负责提供工程所需的现场平面图及建筑结构图。Actively assist Party B construction,coordination with various departments,and responsible forproviding the needed for the project site plans and architectural drawings.©.及时按合同规定之付款进度向乙方支付工程款项。Timely according to the terms of the contract payment schedule to pay Party B project funds.3.2乙方职责:Responsibilities of party B:a.乙方在工程开始前应组织有关人员研究和熟悉图纸,参与设计交底,安排施工总进度计划并提交给甲方:Party B before the project begins shall organize relevant personnel to study and be familiar withdrawings,involved in the design work,arrangement of construction general schedule plan andsubmit to Party A;b.向甲方或项目监理提供所购各种产品、设备的技术资料,接受进场检验:To the party A or project supervision to provide the purchase a variety of products,equipment,technical information,accept entry inspection;c.遵守甲方或监理方对施工现场的有关规定:Abide by the party or the supervision on construction site of the relevant provisions;d.按时完成乙方所承担的施工任务,保证工程施工质量。Timely completion of construction tasks undertaken by Party B,to ensure construction quality.4.施工与工程设计变更Construction and engineering design change4.1乙方在施工中要根据国家颁发的施工验收规范和质量检验标准,以及设计要求进行,要求全部工程达到合格标准。On the construction of Party B according to the country issued construction acceptance nomms andquality inspection standards,as well as the design requirements,all project achieve the qualifiedstandard.
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