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2014年6月大学英语六级答案与详解(二)2014年6月大学英语六级考试真题(二)答案与详解Part IWriting1、审题:本次作文仍旧是六级考试中常见的体裁:议论文【考频:★★★】。此次作文话趣告诉我们,在做事情时不应孤注一掷,而要作多手准备,很具哲理意味。该作文不仅考查考生描述一个社会现象或分析一个社会问题的能力,同时还考查考生的思辨能力和论证能力。考生应该将重点放在阐释作多手准备的益处上,如作多手准备可以降低风险,同时有助于保持平衡的生活。2、列提纲:第一段:引出名言,揭示寓意:不能孤注一掷Do Not Put第二段:分析两点益处:一方面可以减少损失,Everything on aSingle Venture另一方面有助子保持平衡的生活第三段:总结全文,强调不孤注一掷的重要性3.语言:注意用词的准确性,适当使用表示衔接的过波词及高分句式。Do Not Put Everything on a Single VentureAs an English saying goes,"Do not put all your eggs in one basket."What it reveals is that it is unwise to betotally dependent on one resource.This proverb is applicable in our daily life.To begin with,having a plan B can reduce the risk of unexpectedand disastrous results especially when it comes to important events.For example,if you want the admission tocollege,you should fill in application forms of several colleges apart from the one you desire.In this way,there isa big chance for you to be admitted.What is more,paying attention to all the aspects at the same time contributesto a more balanced life.If a student only focuses on sports or other extracurricular activities and neglects hisschool study,he is more likely to lag behind in terms of academic performance.Therefore,it is unadvisable to put everything on a single venture.Having a backup plan,though costlysometimes,could save a lot of headaches and even be a lifesaverPart IⅡListening Comprehensionl.听力原文:M:Look at the low prices on these fashionable TV sets.Something is fishy.Don't you think so?W:Well,there have been a lot of robberies recently Some of the stolen goods may have landed here.Q:What does the woman imply about the low-priced television sets?1.A)They might be stolen goods.C)They might be faulty products.B)They might be fake products.D)They might be smuggled goods【预测】四个选项都包含might,表示一种猜测。结合选项中的stolen goods,fake products,faulty products,smuggled goods可以推测,They指的是商品,听录音时应注意这些商品出了什么问趣。【精析】A)。推理判断题【考频:★★★】。男士说这些时尚的电视机价格很低,sy在此处意为“可疑的”:女士说,最近有很多起抢劫,一些被偷的商品可能在这里。据此可推测出女士的意思是这些电视机2014年6月大学英语六级答案与详解(二)可能是贼赃。2.听力原文:M:I've been assigned to cover the governess's speech today..What about you?W:Nothing is grand as yours.I have to do an interview for the evening news about a man with dozens of cats.Q:What do we learn about the speakers?2.A)They are civil servants.C)They are news reporters.C)They are job applicants.D)They are public speakers【预测】四个选项均是对They的职业的描述,推测题目考查的是对话中两人或对话涉及的其他人的身份。听录音时应注意谈话者对于工作内容和工作场景的描述。【精析】C)。推理判断题【考频:★★★】。男士提到,自己今天要报道女州长的演讲,covr在此处意为“报道”:女士说自己要做晚间新闻的采访。两人的工作都与新闻报道有关,可见他们的职业为新闻记者。3.听力原文:W:Didn't I see you going into the administration building this afternoon?M:I needed to switchmy computer class to the9:50 section.Q What do we learn from the conversation?3.A)The man has decided to quit his computer class.B)The woman wants to get a degree in administration.C)A computer degree is a must for administrative work.D)The man went to change the time of his computer class.【预测】四个选项的主语不一致。由A)、C)、D)三项中出现的computer和B)、C)两项中出现的administration,administrative work可知,对话内容涉及行政管理和电脑。【精析】D)。事实细节题【考频:★★★】。对话中女士问男士是否在今天下午去了行政管理大楼,男士陈述他去的目的是要把电脑课的时间调至9:50。switch sth.to.意为“将某物转换(调换)为”。4.听力原文:W:I guess you watched the quiz show on television last night.What did you think about it?M:Well,it was great.The first four contestants won only small prizes,but fifth left with a new luxury car.Q:What does the man mean?4.A)A lot of contestants participated in the showB)The fifth contestant won the biggest prizeC)It was not as exciting as he had expected.D)It was sponsored by a car manufacturer.【预测】结合四个选项中出现的contestants,won,prize,sponsored可知,对话内容可能涉及某项比赛及参赛者的获奖情况。【精析】B)。事实细节题【考频:★★★】。对话中的女士问男士看了昨晚的智力问答后感觉怎么样,男士说节目很棒,前四个参赛者都获得了小奖品而第五个带走了一辆崭新的豪华汽车。a new luxury car,,在B)选项中被替换为the biggest prize。5.听力原文:W:I cant find the arrival time of the New York to Boston Express on this schedule..M:Look for New York in the left-hand column and follow it across until you find the hour listed in the Bostoncolumn.Q:What are the speakers most probably doing?5.A)Reading a newspaper column.C)Driving from New York to Boston.B)Looking at a rail way timetable.D)Waiting for someone at the airport.【预测】四个选项均为现在分词短语,推测趣目可能考查某人正在做某事。另外,结合选项中的railwaytimetable,Driving,airport可知,对话内容可能涉及某种交通方式的行程安排。【精析】B).语义理解趣【考频:★★★】。女士对男士说在时刻表上找不到从纽约到波士顿的快车(Express)的到达时间,男士让她在左边一栏里找到纽约,然后沿着它横向寻找,直到找到波士顿一栏里的到达时间。由此可见,两位说话者在看列车时刻表。6.听力原文:W:You look different today,but I can't quite put my finger on what it is2014年6月大学英语六级答案与详解(二)M:Oh,yesterday I finally got around to that new barbershop in the mall and enjoyed their services.Q:What can be inferred about the man?6.A)He wears a coat bought in the mall.C)He had a finger hurt last nightC)He got a new job at the barbershop.D)He had his hair cut yesterday.【预测】四个选项都以Hε为主语,描述了He的状况。结合语义A)“他穿着在商场里买来的外套”、B)“他在理发店找到了新工作”、C)“他昨晚有一根手指受伤了”、D)“他昨天理发了”可知,听录音时应注意对男士现状的描述。【精析】D)。事实细节题【考频:★★★】。对话中女士表示男士今天看上去不大一样,但是不能准确指出哪里不一样;男士说昨天终于去了那家在商场里的新理发店,享受了理发店的服务。由此可见,男士昨天理发了。7.听力原文:W:What do you think of Picasso's paintings exhibited inthe city museum?M Personally I can't quite see the meaning in his modern works.Most of them remind me of the stuff mynephew brings home from the kindergarten.Q:What does the man mean?7.A)He cannot appreciate the Picasso exhibition.B)Even his nephew can draw as well as PicassoC)He is not quite impressed with modern paintingsD)Some drawings by kindergarten kids are excellent【预测】由四个选项中出现的Picasso,modern paintings,.drawings可知,对话内容与绘画相关。另外,A)、B)、C)三项均与Hε相关,故听录音时应注意男士的话。【精析】A)。弦外之音题【考频:★★☆】。对话中女士问男士感觉城市博物馆中展出的毕加索的画怎么样,男士说看不出毕加索的现代派画作表达的意义,这些画让他想起他侄子从幼儿园拿回来的那些画。言外之意,男士欣赏不了毕加索的画展:&.听力原文:W:Rod said he wanted to get involved in student government this year,M:But he hasn't gone to a single meetings has he?Q:What does the man imply about Rod?8.A)He should not put the cart before the horseB)His conduct does not square with his words.C)His attitude to student government has changed.D)He has long been involved in student government【预测】由选项中出现的He,His conduct,.His attitude可知,题目涉及对某位男士的描述。A)、B)两项涉及该男士盼品行;put the cart before the horse意为“本末倒置”,square with意为“与…保持一致”。C)、D)两项涉及该男士的态度和经历。听录音时,应注意对话中男士的话或是对提及的某位男士的描述。【精析】B)。弦外之音题【考频:★★☆】。对话中女士对男士说Rod想参加学生会,男士说Rod从来没有参加过会议,以此提出质疑。由此可以推断,Rod的言行不一致。9-l2.听力原文:M:Good morning,madam.Can I help you?W:Oh,I do hope so.I have to get to Manchester today and my own car has broken down.Do you by any chancehave a car available?M:For how many days,madam?W:Three,just until the weekend.M:And what sort of car did you have in mind?W:Well,that depends a bit on the price.But I normally drive a Cavalier.Do you have anything like that?M Yes,certainly.That's group C which includes Cavalier and Sea-arrows.
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