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2015年6月大学英语六级考试真题精析(第一套)Part IWriting【范文】A thought-provoking proverb goes,"Knowledge is a treasure,but practice is the key to it."What this sayingaims to convey is that practice is of utmost significance in acquiring and mastering knowledge.There is no denying that with the rapid development of science and technology,knowledge is becomingincreasingly important.However,nothing will be achieved unless we put it into practice.Knowledge system hasbecome increasingly complex and only by keeping practicing what we learn can we get a better understandingand then fully grasp the essence of it.Take flu as an example.It has evolved into many different andunpredictable types,including HINI and H7N9.Accordingly,the medication has been divided into branches anddoctors and experts in this area have to update their knowledge and put it into practice in order to cure thesesimilar diseases.To sum up,it is vital that we put the acquired knowledge into practice.We should keep in mind that practicecan help us benefit more from learning and it is practice that makes knowledge a drive toward a better life for usand a more prosperous future for the world.【译文】一句令人深思的格言这样说道:“知识是宝藏,而实践却是打开宝藏的钥匙。”这句格言旨在传达的信息是,实践对获取和掌提知识起着极其重要的作用。无可否认的是,伴随着科技的快速发展,知识正变得越来越重要。然而,如果不把知识付诸实践,一切都无法实现。知识体系已经变得越来越复杂,只有不断地将我们所学的知识付诸实践,我们才能更好地理解并完全掌握其本质。以流感为例,它已经演变为许多不同和不可预知的类型,包括H1NI和HTN9。因此,这也衍生出多种医治方法,而且这个领域的医生和专家不得不更新自己的知识并付诸实践,以治愈这些相似的疾病。总而言之,将我们所获取的知识付诸实践是至关重要的。我们应该谨记的是,实践能帮助我们从所学的知识中获益更多,也正是实践使得知识成为我们奔向更美好生活的驱动力,推动世界走向更加繁荣的未来。【要点用法】thought-provokingput.into practice把…付诸实践accordingly相应地,因此令人深思的,发人深省的grasp理解,掌握;抓住medication药物治疗,医治aim to旨在…essence本质;精华divide...into把…分成convey传达;传递evolve into演变为,发展成vital至关重要的,关键的utmost极度的,最大的unpredictablekeep in mind谨记,记住significance重要性不可预知的,难以预测的dive驱动力;推动acquire获取,得到prosperous繁荣的,兴旺的【句法点评】1.A thought-provoking proverb goes,"Knowledge is a treasure,but practice is the key to it."首句开门见山,引出题千中的格言,呼应题千要求。2.What this saying aims to convey is that practice is of utmost significance in acquiring and masteringknowledge.点明文章的主旨,为后面的进一步阐述作铺垫。主语从句和表语从句连用,表达有亮点。3.There is no denying that with the rapid development of science and technology,knowledge is becomingincreasingly important.主体段首句欲抑先扬,思路镇密,论证严谨。伴随状语的运用使表达更为生动。Knowledge system has become increasingly complex and only by keeping practicing what we learn can weget a better understanding and then fully grasp the essence of it.2015年6月六级真题(第一套)·具体论述实践的重要性。倒装句式的运用使表达显得灵活、富于变化。5.Take flu as an example.It has evolved into many different and unpredictable types,including HINI andH7N9.结合具体事例进行论证,增强论证的说服力,符合题干要求。6.To sum up,it is vital that we put the acquired knowledge into practice.结尾段首句总结全文。带有虚拟语气的主语从句使主旨更加突出。7.We should keep in mind that practice can help us benefit more from learning and it is practice that makesknowledge a drive toward a better life for us and a more prosperous future for the world.文章末句进一步深化主题。用宾语从句和强调句型结尾使论证更具说服力,收尾更有力度。Part IIListening ComprehensionSectionAConversation OneW:Jack,sit down and listen.This is important.[1]We'll have to tackle the problems of exporting step by step.And the first move is to get an up-to-date picture of where we stand now.M:Why don't we just concentrate on expanding here at home?.W:Of course,we should hold on to our position here.But you must admit the market here is limited.M:Yes,but it's safe.[2]The government keeps out foreigners with import controls,though I must admit I;feel sure we could hold our own against foreign bikes.W:I agree.That's why I'm suggesting exporting,because I feel we can compete with the best of themM:What you are really saying is that we'd make more profit by selling bikes abroad,where we have a costadvantage and can charge higher prices.W:Exactly.M:But,wait a minute.[3]Packaging,shipping,financing,etc.will push up our costs and we could end upno better off,maybe worse off.W:OK.Now there are extra costs involved.But if we do it right,they can be built into the price of the bike andwe can still be competitive.'M:How sure are you about our chances of success in the foreign market?W:Well,that's the sticky one.[4]It's going to need a lot of research.I'm hoping to get your help.Well,come on,Jack.Is it worth it,or not?M:There'll be a lot of problems.W:Nothing we can't handle.M:Um...I'm not that hopeful.[4]But,yes,I think we should go ahead with a feasibility study.W:Marvelous,Jack.I was hoping you'd be on my side.What does the woman intend to do?2.Why does the man think it's safe to focus on the home market?3.What is the man's concern about selling bikes abroad?4.What do the speakers agree to do?【听前预测】1,四项均以动词原形开头。2.两项含有与公司业务拓展有关的内容(export..to foreign markets,expand...domestic business)。结论:该题以what开头对动作进行提问,推测考查的内容与业务拓展有关。听音时,应重点关注与业务拓展相关的信息,并将听音重点放在各选项的关健词上(persuade..join her company,employ.,upto-date technology,export..to foreign markets,expand..domestic business),然后根据问题作出进一步的判断。【解析】在对话一开始,女士就对男士说,他们必须一步步地处理出口的问题,而第一步就是弄明白他们当前的处境。男士问为什么不仅仅专注于开拓国内市场,女士回答说当然必须保持他们在国内的市场地位,但是国内市场是有限的。由此可知,女士希望能够拓展国外市场的业务,四个选项中只有C项符合此意,故为正确答案,同时也可排除D项。A、B两项对话中均未提及,都可排除。9·2015年6月六级真题(第一套)·2.B【听前预测】l.两项提到了国家或政府(the state,.the government),一项提到了进口(imports),一项提到了国内生产(domestic manufacturers)2.两项含有与企业或生产商有关的内容(enterprises,,manufacturers)。3.两项含有与竞争有关的内容(compete with,have a cost advantage)。结论:该题可能涉及国家或政府对国内产品和进口产品的政策,也可能涉及不同企业之间的竞争。该题的信息点稍显分散,听音时应留意与贸易进口、国内生产商、企业竞争等有关的信息,同时将重点放在各选项的关键词上,然后根据问题作出进一步的判断。【解析】在对话中,当女士说国内市场比较有限之后,男士回答说,虽然如此,但是国内市场比较安全,因为政府通过进口管制政策限制外国商品的进入,所以他非常确信他们可以雏持在国内的市场地位,抵制国外生产的自行车的竞争。由此可知,男士认为专注于国内市场比较安全的原因是政府对自行车进口有管制,故B项正确。A、C两项对话中未提及;D项说的是两位说话者所在公司生产的产品在国外市场而非国内市场的优势,故三项均可排除。3.A【听前预测】l.三项含有表示失败或诮极意义的词语(eat up their profits,.lose to,.it is very difficult to find)。2.两项提到了与国外有关的词语(abroad,.foreign)。3.三项含有与商业有关的内容(costs,profits,.manufacturers,agents)。结论:该题考查的内容可能与在国外进行商务活动的失败有关。听音时,应重点关注四个选项中的关(extra costs...eat up...profits,more workers will be needed,lose to foreign bike manufacturers,findsuitable local agents),然后根据问题作出进一步的判断。【解析】在对话中,男士猜测女士的意思是通过往国外销售自行车可以赚取更多的利润,因为他们有成本优势,可以将价格定得更高。女士对他的猜测给予了肯定。但是男士接着又说,包装、运货、筹措资金等将会使他们的出口成本增加,最后的情况可能不会更好,甚至会更糟。也就是说,男士担心颜外的成本增加会耗尽他们的产品在国外市场的销售利润,故A项正确。其他三项对话中均未提及,都可排除。4.C【听前预测】四项均为动词短语,推测该题以what开头对动作进行提问。该题的信息点比较分散,听音时应重点关注与四个选项相关的信息,然后根据问題作出进一步的判断。【解析】在对话的最后部分,男士问女士对于他们在国外市场的成功几率有几成把握,女士说不确定,还需要进行很多调研,并鼓励男士支持她的想法。男士说这样做会有很多问题,女士说没有什么问题解决不了,于是最后男士说虽然自己不像女士那样充满希望,但是他也认为应该先进行一项可行性调查。由此可知,男女双方最后都同意的事情是进行一项可行性调查,即C项正确。其他三项对话中均未提及,都可排除。Conversation TwoW:What does the term "alternative energy source"mean?M:[5]When we think of energy or fuel for our homes and cars,we think of petroleum-a fossil fuelprocessed from oil removed from the ground,of which there is a limited supply.But alternative fuels canbe many things-wind,sun and water can all be used to create fuel.W:Is the threat of running out of petroleum real?M:It has taken thousands of years to create the natural stores of petroleum we have now.We are using what is:available at a much faster rate than it has been produced over time.The real controversy surrounding the:amounts of petroleum we have is how much we need to keep in reserve for future use.[6]Most expertsagree that by around 2025,the amount of petroleum we use will reach a peak.Then production and:availability will begin to seriously decline.This is not to say there will be no petroleum at this point.But it'llbecome very difficult and therefore expensive to extract.W:[7]Is that the most important reason to develop alternative fuel and energy sources?M:There're two very clear reasons to do so.One is that whether we have 60 or 600 years of fossil fuels left,wehave to find other fuel sources eventually.So the sooner we start,the better off we will be.[8]The other bigargument is that when you burn fossil fuels,you release substances trapped in the ground for a longtime,which leads to some long-term negative effects,like global warming and the greenhouse effect.5.What do we usually refer to when we talk about energy according to the man?6.What do most experts agree on according to the man?·2015年6月六级真题(第一套)·10
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