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2022年09月大学英语六级考试真题(第1套)淘宝店铺:【光速考研工作室】温馨提示:2022年9月英语六级考试实考1套听力,1套阅读理解,3套写作与翩译。Part IWriting(30minutes)Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay that begins with thesentence "Nowadays more and more students are becoming increasingly aware of theimportance of developing digital skills."You can make comments,cite examples or use yourpersonal experiences to develop your essay.You should write at least 150 words but no morethan 200 words.Part IIListening Comprehension(30 minutes)Section ADirections:In this section,you will hear two long conversations.At the end of eachconversation,you will hear four questions.Both the conversation and the questions will bespoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the fourchoices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I witha single line through the centre.Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1.A)It enables people to earn more money.C)It helps people with budgeting.B)It teaches the importance of financing.D)It introduces a novel way to invest.2.A)Many Americans are not satisfied with their income.B)Many Americans have no idea about how to invest.C)Most Americans do not know how to save money.D)Most Americans do not stick to a budget.3.A)Keep track of his moneyC)Find more sources of incomeB)Live within his means.D)Refrain from buying luxuries.4.A)It offers a greater variety of items.C)It changes one's way of living.B)It helps avoid unnecessary spending.D)It saves one's time for shopping.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5.A)It is brand-new.C)It belongs to her mother.B)It has plenty of rooms.D)It has been vacant for months6.A)Space.C)Appliances.B)Tranquillity.D)Location.7.A)Talk to his wife about the contract terms.B)Pay the first month's rent and a deposit.C)Check the references of the flat owner.D)Consult his solicitor one more time.2022年9月英语六级真题第1套第1页共11页by:光速考研8.A)She can have a wonderful view of the pond.B)She will be much closer to her work place.C)She can make friends with new neighbours.D)She will have plenty of space for her shoes.Section BDirections:In this section,you will hear two passages.At the end of each passage,you willhear three or four questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line throughthe centre.Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.9.A)The more commercials they see,the more brands they get to know.B)The more commercials they see,the more they adore celebrities.C)The more television they watch,the fewer conflicts in the family.D)The more television they watch,the greater their parents'stress.10.A)Inform children of the family's financial situation.B)Shift children's attention to interesting activities.C)Involve children in making purchasing decisions.D)Help children understand advertising's intent.11.A)Their limited cognitive ability.C)Their admiration for celebrities.B)Their strong natural curiosity.D)Their lack of social experience.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.12.A)Bad guys may do good deeds.C)Good guys may not always cooperate.B)Bad guys may go unpunished.D)Good guys may get unfair treatment.13.A)By what we do.C)In comparison with others.B)By fair evaluation.D)In accordance with set standards14.A)Learn from them earnestly.C)Leave them alone temporarily.B)Compete with them actively.D)Cooperate with them sincerely.15.A)Being dismissed as hypocritical.C)Having to make too many sacrifices.B)Not getting the reward they deserve.D)Being misunderstood by people around.Section CDirections:In this section,you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by threeor four questions.The recordings will be played only once.After you hear a question,you mustchoose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark thecorresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the centre.Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.16.A)They are increasingly aware of gender differences.B)They engage themselves in positive recollection.C)They begin to see the importance of friendship.2022年9月英语六级真题第1套第2页共11页by:光速考研D)They make friends with peers of the same sex.17.A)Competing for position.C)Pursuing fashion.B)Forging close ties with friendsD)Fulfilling family obligations.18.A)They prioritize romance over friendship.B)They try to strengthen same-sex friendships.C)They begin to take friendship more seriously.D)They compete intensely for romantic partners.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard.19.A)They regard it as a matter of sheer privacy.B)They are worried about being turned down.C)They fear that their condition will be made widely known.D)They are afraid to be discriminated against once recruited.20.A)After receiving a job offer.B)During a job interview.C)When confirming an interview.初D)Upon completing a cover letter.21.A)Describe the true state of their health.B)Provide all the information required.C)Stress the irrelevance of their disability to the job.D)Avoid mentioning the name of their disability.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.22.A)Their scores were least affected by music with speech.B)It was the poorest when there was background speechC)Their scores were most depressed with instrumental music.D)It was disrupted by the sound of an air conditioner or fan.23.A)It has to do with the type and volume of the background noise.B)It has to do with short-term memory for listening comprehensionC)It depends on the overlap in processing different kinds of information.D)It depends on the participants'ability to concentrate on the task at hand.24.A)Keep everything as quiet as possibleB)Play nothing but instrumental music.C)Use vocal material as little as possible.D)Wear a pair of earphones or headphones.25.A)Sociable people were immune to all distractions.B)Shy quiet people were most adversely impacted.C)Less outgoing people were more affected by silence.D)Confident people were unaffected by high-arousal music.2022年9月英语六级真题第1套第3页共11页by:光速考研
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