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2022年12月大学英语六级考试真题(一)答案与详解Part IWriting结构框图:第1段引出话题:信息技术在教育中的应用使大学生可以以更加多样和有效的方式学习。The Use of Information第2段具体阐述信息技术如何改变了教育,使学生的学习方式更加多Technology in Education样、高效。第3段总结全文,重申观点。范文点评:参考范文精彩点评The Use of Information Technology in Education[1]With the application of information technology in【1】引出话题:随着信息技术在教育中的应education,college students can now learn in more diverse and用,大学生现在可以以更加多样和有效efficient ways.2]Advances in technology have literally的方式学习。transformed the way in which students learn and study.【2】进一步指出技术的进步确实改变了学生[3I In the first place,information technology has们学习的方式。enabled the use of audio and video materials as teaching aids,【3I4I5)】分别使用“In the first place,.”which can enhance students'understanding of the subject.“Furthermore,..”和“In addition[4]Furthermore,the databases and libraries are available atto..”具体阐述信息技术使学生学习方an affordable price,allowing learners to access a wide range式更多样、更高效。of educational resources.5]In addition to the diversifiedmaterials,online resources provide students with instantaccess to a variety of information about any subject.Gone arethe days when students spent long days studying in the libraryfor a research paper.Now,the availability of e-books andpast examination papers is now just a few clicks away.Thesematerials can all be used to supplement lessons taken in theclassroom efficiently.[6]As a result of the integration of information【6】用“As a result of..”总结全文,再次强technology into education,learning process has been made调信息技术对教育的影响,呼吁学生要more efficient,effective and diverse.Thus,college students积极主动地适应这些变化。should be proactive in adapting to the various learning stylesand make use of them effectively.话题词汇:diverse多种多样的access to接触…的机会enhance增强distance learning远程学习efficiency效率online forum在线论坛grasp理解information retrieval信息检索Listening ComprehensionSection AQuestions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.M:How's your dissertation going?I'm proofreading my first draft and will submit it to my professor tomorrow.W:Oh,(1)I haven't even started writing mine yet,so I'm really worried about finishing by the end of nextsemester.M:You mean you haven't even begun yours yet?The final draft is due in five months.W:Of course I've started it,but I can't get to the writing yet as I haven't found enough resources to use,so I'mstill researching the topic.M:Maybe the problem is the way you're doing your research.(2)I started by talking to my professor aboutwhere to look for information.And based on that,I found books in the library and a lot of reputablejournal articles on the Internet.W:I've tried all that,but don't have enough to write the dissertation as my department's minimum length is 70pages.I think the problem is that my topic isn't viable.(3)And honestly,my professor did warn me at thebeginning that I might not be able to find enough material.But I was so interested in the topic that I didn'tlet his advice to turn me.M:Well,I suggest you find a new topic.After all,our professors are here to guide us,so it's best to listen tothem.W:In retrospect,I wish I had listened to him,but I didn't.And now I don't want to give up my topic as I'vealready invested so much time and energy.M:If you're committed to your current topic,maybe you could make some adjustments rather than abandon itcompletely.What is your topic?W:It's "Depictions of Femininity and Folklore from the South of the Country".M:That's pretty narrow.You could find more material if you made the topic broader,maybe by includingother kinds of depictions.W:(4)Broadening the topic is a great idea.I'll start by including folklore from other regions of the country.答案详解1.What does the woman say about her dissertation?文是因为自己的题目不可行。根据句(3)可知,她A)【精析】细节辨认题。对话一开始,男士询问女士的教授确实在一开始的时候提醒她可能会找不到的论文进度,女士在句(1)中回答说她还没开始写。足够的资料。因此答案为A)。因此答案为A)。4.What do we learn the woman will do to complete2.What does the man say about his professor?her dissertation?B)【精析】细节辨认题。句(2)中男士提到,他在开始D)【精析】细节推断题。男士认为女士的论文题目太写论文之前先和教授讨论了去哪里找资料的问题。过狭窄,如果将题目扩大可能会找到更多资料。根基于这个讨论,他在图书馆找到了参考书,并在网据句(4)可知,女士认为扩大题目是个好主意,她会上找到了大量知名期刊文章。因此答案为B)。将对其他地区的民间传说的描述囊括进来。由此3.What does the woman say about her professor?可知,女士会听从男士的建议。因此答案为D)。A)【精析】细节辨认题。女士认为自己无法开始写论Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.W:Today,on Book Talk,we are lucky enough to host John Robbins and discuss his new book,Why AmericansAre Fat and How We Can Lose Weight.(5-1)John isn't just a respected writer;he's also one of the rarecelebrity authors writing about science today.M:Thanks for having me,Rebecca,but I'm hardly a celebrity.W:That's very modest of you to say,(5-2)considering that your four books have sold a total of seven millioncopies worldwide,and they've been translated into 12 different languages.What makes people sofascinated with your work?M:(6)Well,people read my books because more than 60%of Americans are overweight or obese.And othercountries are facing similar problems.Basically,we all want to know how to fix things.W:We certainly do.I've read your new book and it's fabulous,especially when it comes to the way you makedifficult science easy for laymen to understand.That's no small achievement.M:I'm glad to hear you find my work accessible,because I was worried when I wrote it that discussing thescience might make the book more suited for a specialist audience.(7)My last book was written primarilyfor the medical community.But this time,I want to help ordinary people take control of their weight.W:And how do you suggest they do that?Can you give us the basics of your advice for people who want to loseweight?M:Briefly,(8)I argue that every person needs to consider their metabolism and eat what suits their body'sneeds.I don't advocate one single diet.Some people should eat more carbohydrates than others.Anddifferent people need different amounts of protein and fat.W:But you do have some recommendations for everyone,including eating ten servings of vegetables and threeof fruit a day.We'll talk about those recommendations next,but now we need to take a short break for amessage from our sponsor.答案详解5.What does the woman say about the man in her重的事实让人们都想知道如何解决这个问题,这也introduction?就驱动了男士去写相关的书。因此答案为C)。C)【精析】细节推断题。句(5-1)中女士介绍说,约翰7.Who does the man say his last book was mainly不仅是一位受人尊敬的作家,还是当今为数不多的written for?撰写科学类文书的名人作家之一。根据句(5-2)可D)【精析】细节辨认题。男士在句(7)中明确提到,他知,男士的4部著作在全球总共售出了700万册,的上一部书主要是为医学界写的。因此答案为并被翻译成12种不同的语言。由此可知,男士的D)。著作畅销全世界。因此答案为C)。8.What does the man recommend people do?6.What has motivated the man to write his books?B)【精析】细节推断题。句(8)中男士提到,他认为每C)【精析】细节推断题。女士问男士是什么让人们对个人都需要考虑自己的新陈代谢,吃适合自己身体他的书作如此着迷。男士在句(6)中回答,人们读需求的东西。他不提倡单一饮食。有些人应该比他的书是因为超过60%的美国人超重或肥胖,其其他人摄入更多的碳水化合物。不同的人对蛋白他国家也面临类似的问题。总的来说,大家都想知质和脂肪的需求量不同。也就是说,男士建议人们道如何解决问题。也就是说,超过一半美国人都超遵循个性化饮食。因此答案为B)。Section BQuestions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.Stress is often depicted as negative,but research shows that moderate amounts of it can be beneficial foryour brain and your body.First,the benefits for the brain.Studies have shown that short periods of stress can actually bolstercognitive functioning.(9)Researchers discovered that placing rats in a stressful situation for just a few hoursdoubled the growth of new brain cells.The rats also did better on a memory test later on.Scientists think thesame thing happens in humans.But how does stress improve memory?It's simple.When your brain cellsmultiply,your memory can improve.Viewed from a biological perspective,this makes sense,(10)becauseanimals that are better at remembering dangerous situations can avoid them in the future.If an animalencounters a predator and escapes,for example,it's important to remember where and when that encounterhappened.Experts assert that the same principle applies to humans.Now,let's turn to how stress benefits the body.This may come as a surprise to laymen.But experts saythat stress can keep you from getting sick.(11)Scientists concede that chronic stress can make you more proneto illness.But research shows that short periods of stress can actually provide some protection against gettingsick,because it increases your immune functioning.One study shows that rats that experienced brief stress hada surge of immune cell response,which makes the immune system better prepared to fight illness.For humans,there's even evidence that experiencing stress before getting vaccinated could help make vaccines moreeffective.答案详解9.What did researchers discover about rats placedB)【精析】细节辨认题。句(9)中提到,研究人员发briefly in a stressful situation?现,将老鼠置于压力状态下几个小时就会使它们
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